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Capitalizing on Consciousness?

Innovative Mental Health Solutions

Our severe and growing mental health crisis impacts over a billion lives, with over $1 trillion in annual costs. The field of psychedelic medicine gives some investors hope we may be on the cusp of a mental health treatment breakthrough. Our latest piece explores this area of Biotech which has recently seen advances in drug development, institutional investment, and state legalization.

November 10, 2022

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Healthcare Alternatives Landscape

The Road to Half a Trillion

The Jefferies Prime Services team recently conducted a deep dive across the healthcare alternative funds competitive landscape. Across many topics explored, it is clear healthcare funds have evolved and matured considerably in recent years. Read the executive summary of our findings, and for access to the full suite of data and analysis - contact your Jefferies salesperson.

November 3, 2022

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Illustration, multicolored graphics overlay each other, financial data, bar charts, line graphs and silhouette of the earths continents

Whiplash 2022

Navigating Markets Both Familiar and Foreign

Headlines are focused on perceived underperformance of hedge funds this year, however the opposite is true. After all, you can't compound capital you don't preserve. Whiplash 2022 explores first half market performance, and why outperformance matters in these scenarios – even if it comes from unlikely places.

August 4, 2022

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Capital Raising in a Recession

Attracting Assets in Volatile Environments

The path to raising and retaining assets can be challenging during a recession, but not impossible. In our piece on Capital Raising in a Recession, we examine sentiment and strategies surrounding capital allocations against a recessionary backdrop, supported by investor insights and historical data.

July 14, 2022

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The Library of COINgress

Charting a New Course for Diligence

While user adoption of digital assets hit critical mass 2022, stress tests then revealed growing pains in the ecosystem and gave investors pause. Our latest installment in The Library of COINgress digs into some nuances of digital assets investing – from investment and operational due diligence, to evolving third-party support and regulation.

June 28, 2022

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The Next Chapter of “Outsourcing”

From “In Lieu Of” to Necessary for Next Generation Operating Efficiencies

A relatively new phenomenon, what is commonly referred to as “outsourcing,” has matured and evolved so materially that many of these solutions are now seen as productivity tools for large institutions, rather than just substitutions for emerging managers.

June 24, 2022

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Understanding Allocators

Pioneering Portfolios: Next Generation of Endowment and Foundation Investing

Pioneering Portfolios is the third piece in our series to better understand a variety of allocator verticals. This piece takes a look at the endowment and foundation channels - how they are similar and different in investment objectives, portfolio construction, structural preferences and GP needs.

June 16, 2022

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The $50 Billion Question

Strategic Share Class Construction for the Next Decade

Share class construction is a timely topic of discussion with clients and their partners. In The $50 Billion Question, we take a deep dive into the materiality of fund fees. They’re misunderstood, don't need to be a zero sum game, and are critical for building enduring organizations and durable relationships.

April 28, 2022

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The Library of COINgress

Digital Assets for Institutions

2021 marked a record number of... record numbers for digital assets, extending far beyond the coins. Massive and meaningful capital raises were seen from companies and institutions across the industry. The Library of COINgress: Digital Assets for Institutions is a 2022 primer, leveraging long-term data and current investor insights to map out the digital assets ecosystem for institutional managers and allocators.

April 5, 2022

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It’s Not Where, it’s What: Targeted Oncology and the Keys to Solving Cancer

Rather than treating cancer based on its location in the body, scientists have found another, more effective, more targeted way to treat cancer — one that you need a code to unlock. On this episode we look at the surprising history and the hopeful future of immunotherapy, and how the genetic code of cancer itself is being used. We speak with  Jefferies’ Mike Yee, Johns Hopkins’ Neeha Zaidi, and Neville Sanjana from the NY Genome Center.



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March 28, 2022

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When Your Home is the Hospital: Tech-Enabled Healing

One of the fastest-growing areas of healthcare is focusing less on what’s wrong with you, but where the healing actually happens. In this episode we learn about innovation beyond the drugs – how doctors are providing medical care right to a patient’s front door. We speak with Jefferies’ Brian Tanquilut, Medically Home’s Raphael Rakowski, and Professor and author Elizabeth Krupinski of Emory University.



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March 14, 2022

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Cracking the Code that Runs Us: The Future of Gene Therapy

The discovery of DNA in the 1850’s allowed us to see into the genetic code of individual humans. Fast forward to the 21st century, scientists are developing a technique to rewrite those genes. In this episode, we look at the ways gene editing is being used to turn that century-old breakthrough into the future of medicine. We speak with Jefferies’ Will Sevush, Beam Therapeutics’ Pino Ciarmella, Neville Sanjana from the NY Genome Center, and Dr. Paul Offit at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.



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February 28, 2022

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Leor Shapiro

Global Head of Capital Intelligence

Ariel Deljanin

Business Consulting