What Makes Makers Tick?
In our season finale, we take a step back and explore one invisible force that has underpinned every episode in the season so far: the brilliant entrepreneurs, thinkers, and founders behind groundbreaking and culture-shifting companies. We talk to three successful founders about the entrepreneurial spirit that drives their work: Aaron Rasmussen, who just launched Outlier.org and co-founded MasterClass, Angela Lee of 37 Angels, and Transfix CEO Drew McElroy. They share candid insights about what it takes to bring an idea to scale and tell their personal stories about what shaped their own interest and pursuit of entrepreneurship.
Building a Boom: Brand Lessons for Creating Explosive Value
In this episode, we’re going inside an industry boom to understand what leads to value creation and sustained growth in today’s world — shaped increasingly by social media influence, e-commerce, and digitally native companies. We’re talking about the beauty industry. Jefferies analyst Steph Wissink walks us through what’s been happening in this sector over the past decade. It’s an industry that just underwent a long boom period. But as Steph explains, the lifecycle of booms in the beauty industry is shortening, and this trend could replicate itself across industries well beyond beauty. Conor Begley, co-founder of Tribe Dynamics, shares why “Earned Media Value” is one of the most powerful metrics for companies in search of their “next big thing.”
A Tech Revolution for Financial Services
Artificial intelligence is helping move the financial services sector into a new era of operation. We’ll learn about the invisible forces shaping how AI and other technologies could reinvent the industry in the coming years. Our hosts are joined by Jefferies Managing Director and technology lead Vaughn Harvey and Jesse McWaters, financial innovation lead for the World Economic Forum. We’ll also hear from Betterment CEO Jon Stein and IEX CEO Brad Katsuyama, two entrepreneurs already relying on AI to disrupt different areas of the financial space – from online financial advising to building better exchanges for the next decade.
You Are What You Buy
Authenticity has always been top-of-mind for consumers – but what does it mean when your diamond or your burger is created in a lab, instead of from other sources? Tune in to hear views from Randy Konik, Jefferies’ Senior Research Analyst covering Consumer Lifestyle & Growth Platform verticals together with the Head of Diamond Producers’ Association and an expert from Wharton Business School.
Biotech – From Bench to Bedside
Curious about the cutting edge of biotech – and how recent breakthroughs are laying the groundwork for a completely changed industry for healing? In the second episode of Invisible Forces, Jefferies’ Michael Yee and Jared Holz walk through some of the biggest biotech breakthroughs of the last decade, and speak with a family who expects an entirely different life for their son because of it.
The $10 Trillion Question
The mobility sector makes up one of the world’s largest economies and the forces driving changes within it could result in trillions of dollars of value creation — or loss — in the future. Storm Duncan, Jefferies’ Global Head of Tech-Enabled Mobility, joins our hosts to explain the factors at work. We’ll also hear from two entrepreneurs disrupting different areas of mobility: Lime CEO Brad Bao and Drew McElroy, the CEO of Transfix. They weigh in with their personal experiences of how technology can continue to help improve efficiency.
Introducing: Invisible Forces
Jefferies’ first podcast series exploring the surprising currents moving markets, driving innovation and disrupting entire business models